Sunday, September 6, 2009

Christmas Presents and New Years Surprises

'Tis the season that all of the "Christmas Presents and New Years Surprises" in my family have birthdays. That is, 12 of the 15 of us siblings have birthdays ranging from mine on 16 August to mid-September. We collectively refer to those of us with August birthdays as our parents' "Christmas Presents" or the September babies as "New Years' Surprises" up through and including our "last rose of summer" (my 'little' sister, all 90 pounds of her, was born September 20.)

My Dad was a diplomat and worked in Europe for six months each year, returning to the U.S. to bring us back from the Oklahoma homestead to our Maryland home by mid-December each year, so we would enjoy Christmas there.

Do the math... when is nine months after Christmas and New Years? Te he... hiya, Mom & Dad, here we are!

While some of us were multiples, such as with me and my twin, we each enjoyed our own separate birthday party, even if it were not on the actual date of our birth anniversary. Thus, this weekend, one sister is having a party on Saturday and a brother is having his on Sunday, even though their actual birthdays were last week and next week, respectively... go figure.

I'll be the bad Biker Dude Uncle/Great Uncle who shows up on his big Harley to terrorize the kiddos, give them rides on the bike, and share the joy of family, extended family, in-laws, out-laws, and sundry others. My partner will enjoy blissful peace back home... he does not attend these parties with me. (Large families can be somewhat overwhelming, but I am accustomed to it. I mean, after all, I was born into one!)

I will bring a card, good cheer, and a huge smile for all. That's what life is all about: love for family and our caring concern for each other.

Life is short: show those you love that you love them!

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