Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Light in the Dome

Last night, I went to a reception where an award was presented to a dear friend of mine. The reception was held in a building on the U.S. Capitol grounds. I was so happy for my friend who certainly deserved the award she was presented by a well-recognized national organization and before several Members of Congress.

It was a pleasant evening. After the reception was over and award presented, I decided to walk to the Metro station at Union Station to go home. As I walked by the U.S. Capitol Building, I noticed that the light was on in the rotunda. That is a signal that Congress is still in session.

It never ceases to amaze me -- I pinch myself sometimes -- here I am, walking down the streets of the capital of the free world, right past the building where important legislation is debated. Regardless of one's political beliefs, it still is quite special to think about the work that goes on there and its affect on our country and the world.

This is where I work, and live in the suburbs nearby. What a very special place, this city which serves as our nation's capital.

[Sorry the photos are a bit fuzzy. There's only so much you can do with a camera in a Blackberry.]

Life is short: appreciate your surroundings

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