Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Gallery of Bike Cop Pics

On October 12, I announced on the Hot Boots "Boots on Line" board that I had posted two new galleries of photos that I took while observing a motorcycle cop event on 19 September.

I got a few responses to that post. Some would think, therefore, that nobody cares and nobody's looking.

Quite the contrary. Using some simple statistical web software, I am "seeing" that over 2,500 unique visitors to my website have visited those galleries from the links embedded within the BOL posting. And that was within 24 hours of posting that message and link. Hundreds more continue to visit, and will continue to do so over the next few days, until all who want to see have "seen." Then Google will do its thing, and send a googlebot to that page of my website, thus increasing its ranking when people enter search terms such as "motorcycle cops" or "cop boots" into its search engine.

So for those guys who post on BOL and get few replies, don't fret. People ARE looking, reading, and following links. Few, if any, take the time to reply, say "thanks" or write an email. That is typical internet behavior -- surf along, surf along -- so don't worry about it. The viewership is indeed there.

In case you missed that BOL post and want to see the galleries, click here. Have no fear, while I can count visitors, I don't know who you are. Just that you visited.

Life is short: boot up and enjoy the viewing!

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