Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What I Did On My Mini-Vacation

I enjoyed my rare day off yesterday, despite rainy crappy weather. I accomplished a lot:
  • I checked in on a few friends and found that blogger is misbehaving, not showing recent blog posts on this blog to some of the people to whom I link. Glad you're okay, Roland.
  • I put on what I am going to wear for Halloween and took some pictures, but you will have to wait and see....
  • I wrote 20 blog posts which will appear here over the next few weeks.
  • I wrote the template code for a website for a 2010 political candidate for whom I am serving as webmaster. I am waiting for the candidate to send me the content to put in the various blocks.
  • I cooked and cooked. My man and I enjoyed a great meal last night featuring all my "home-mades" (pasta, tomato sauce, breads, and dessert)-- lasagna, home-made dinner rolls, and a mixed side salad, finished with a tasty apple pie. (I admit that while I used six different apples to vary the flavors, I cheated and used a pre-made pie crust.)
  • I took my lovely 94-year-old aunt to lunch, just because... I love her so.
  • I scrubbed baseboards with Comet and a toothbrush. It won't be long until Thanksgiving, and we anticipate another huge crowd of seniors.
  • I spoke with two brothers and three sisters on the phone. It was great to catch up!
  • I did the laundry so my partner doesn't have to worry about it on the weekend.
  • I updated my website in several places, including photos of a new pair of CHP leather breeches.
  • I cleaned up and shined a pair of Bal-Laced Dehner Patrol Boots that needed some attention. I seldom polish boots, so this was a big deal for me!
  • I received a suggestion via email to take pictures of my black campus boots that look like Fryes. I learned recently that these boots were made by Boulet when I exchanged some email from the guy who sold them to me. I tried to pull those boots on, and realized why I had not updated photos of them: they were too tight on my calfs. I hauled out my boot calf stretcher and began the slow, deliberate, process of stretching the calfs of those boots. It will take about three weeks for each boot to do it permanently without damaging them. Check back around Christmas for updated pics!
  • I took a half-hour nap! Lazy, lazy, lazy!
A great day! I should do this more often! But to tell you the truth, I am looking forward to being back at work today. I am exhausted!

Life is short: have fun in boots, leather, with family, and take care of things at home. Spend the time to show those you love that you love them!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, BHD! Yeah, I'm fine, and still pretty active on my own blog. In fact, I still read the teasers to your blog posts on my dashboard just as I'm about ready to post on mine.


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