Thursday, December 3, 2009

Not a Practicing Homosexual

My best friend and I had a conversation the other day about some issues that continue to be brought up by certain members of my extended family and their hyperconcern about the fact that I am gay and yet, for example, I served as a pallbearer at a Catholic funeral for my aunt.

He said, "it's okay to be gay and Catholic -- what they get upset about is 'practicing the act'."

Okay, I get it. I'll just tell them that "I am not a practicing homosexual."

After more than 16 years with my one-and-only man, I don't need to practice. [giggle]

Life is short: maintain your sense of humour, and if you are like me and don't have one, surround yourself with those who do!


  1. ROFL!

    All repeat after me:

    "After more than 16 years with my one-and-only man, I don't need to practice."

    Leading contender for Best Post of 2009!

  2. It's just like my favorite philosphy said, "Never take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive."

    --Bugs Bunny


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