Thursday, December 17, 2009

Slogging Through the Crescent City

I just completed a short business trip to New Orleans, the Crescent City. My work was brief -- a one day-meeting. It was productive and for the most part, interesting.

At the meeting's end, I put on my lug-soled Chippewa Firefighter boots, a pair of jeans, and an old comfy sweatshirt and hopped on the trolley. I rode to the location of the local office of my former employer. I visited with a long-time friend who is the CEO. She gave me a tour of their refurbished facility and told me about their work during and after the impact of Hurricane Katrina.

It had rained for three solid days before I arrived and throughout my visit. Over 20" of rain, with more falling. Water was overtopping but not breeching levies. Localized flooding was everywhere. Man, it was wet! But the spirits were good, and the efforts to help people affected by the current storm and flooding were well underway, well organized, efficient, and calm. Man, it brought me back to the days when I once worked for that organization and helped in such circumstances.

I am home now. I enjoyed the visit, the memories, and seeing the good hearts in action. I am glad I went. I regret that with all the frivolity of the city, that there remains so much sadness under the thin veil of the happy face put on for visitors. Lots more recovery work is needed.

Life is short: support those who help others.

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