Monday, January 4, 2010

Boot and Leather Videos

A link from a recent post on Straight Acting's blog to Jonah of Finland's blog lists what Jonah describes as "Ten Don'ts of Leather Videos." Jonah has expressed his opinions, and for the most part, I tend to agree. However, the method by which he stated his comments: "don't do this" and "don't do that" takes a negative approach which is unhelpful to the amateur leather guy who produces the occasional amateur video for posting on YouTube for entertainment of fellow guys into leather (and boots and other fetishes.)

What I want to know is what are the "do's" -- not the don'ts -- of leather (or boot) videos. It is easy to say what not to do, but not as easy to say what to do.

I have a lot of videos posted on YouTube now. Admittedly, I have created some videos which violate Jonah's opinions of what he likes or doesn't like. That's okay -- he doesn't have to sit through something he doesn't like. There are some videos that I have created by request of some men with whom I have interacted on the 'net. I may not have created some of them unless I was asked. Okay, so be it. Done. The requester (and I) enjoyed. That's enough.

The good thing about internet-based video is that you can view what you like and surf to other videos if what you are seeing does not please or interest you. There are a lot of videos which I started to view then stopped viewing and surfed on, because I have not liked it, the content frightened me, or was just badly done (fuzzy, blurry, and poorly edited). There are some things that I do not care to view, such a stomping stuff, or breaking things. I am not saying that those who create such videos are bad -- I am saying that those videos do not interest me. That is okay -- I am who I am. Those videos interest others. It's a big world out there.

Same is true with blogs, as well. Read what you like, surf on if you do not like what you are reading. It's a free world (except for China), as far as the internet goes. (Regretfully, the Government of China blocks access to blogs and videos posted on YouTube, along with a lot more.)

I do not like lists of "don't do this" and "don't do that." Lists of what not to do are not helpful. What amateur video creators like me want to know is, "what do you want to see?" (within the G-rated limits of what is allowed by YouTube.) As Jonah says, "there are some men who have a hard time coming up with something to do [in the they smoke]." Regardless if one enjoys a video with a guy in leather smoking or not, the point Jonah was making, with which I agree, is that it is very difficult to come up with something to do in a video that is both real and interesting to watch. Acting in a video if one is not an actor is not a good idea. Just rubbing boots or putting on gloves or twirling like a leather model also gets boring. Jonah says that, and I agree.

However, I want to point out that it is a bit hypocritical to offer comments of "what not to do" if one does not engage in producing his own videos. It is much easier to be a critic of others' work than try to create a work himself. I give credit to Jonah, though, that he acknowledges that he is giving his own opinion "for an audience of one" and also that his is both a beggar and a chooser. Witty guy, he is. I appreciate his candor.

So what to do?

Remember, telling someone what to do is not the same thing as telling someone what not to do. For most people, it is easier to remember what to do ("walk down stairs in case of fire") instead of what not to do ("don't use the stairs in case of fire." -- if one is not to use the stairs, then they have to have their wits about them to figure out what to do instead. In an emergency, one may not always be able to think clearly, so they react, and sometimes do the wrong thing. I know this example is unrelated to leather fetish videos, but it gets my point across.)

I do not have much time to create videos, since my partner is not interested in helping me with them and I have to do them when I am at home alone, which is seldom since my partner rarely goes anywhere by himself. However, I am open to ideas for what to do in a video, what actions to show, or what demonstrations or discussions are of interest to others. I would much rather know what to do -- not what not to do.

Send me a message or leave a comment on this blog. I will be happy to consider reasonable, appropriate, interesting input. Thanks.

Life is short: figure out what to do!


  1. Your post reminds me of a mathematics lecturer who taught me Analysis as a first year undergraduate.

    His favourite mantra was "To understand what the theorem says, you must first understand what the theorem doesn't say."

    Anyone who has the bad luck of having to sit through Analysis lectures know that there are too many theorems tested in that one course. In the end, we were all lost. What did the theorem say and what didn't the theorem say?

    Needless to say, after that prof messed up my first Analysis course, my subsequent two courses were in a mess!

    As a teacher now, I tell it as it is. Students complain that I'm too direct but I still believe that's the most effective way of getting the message across: If you are hurt by the comment, then why do you repeat your mistake?

    Ah, the idiocy of youth - wait till they work under equivocal bosses who only screw them when the work is submitted. ;)

  2. Thank you for your comments, Booted Harleydude! You have many valid points.

    I don't quite understand why offering comments of what not to do should be an act of hypocrisy (a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not) if one does not engage in producing his own videos. Perhaps "unfair" was the adjective you were looking for? As in "it is unfair of you to say you don't enjoy my creations unless I get a chance to say I don't enjoy your creations".

    I wrote about the "don'ts" first because that was the easier task. I have some hunches about the "dos", the properties that make me enjoy a leather video. I hope that I will be able to write "Ten Dos of Leather Videos" some day.

  3. Jonah, thank you for your reply and comment. I am glad to receive it.

    I regret the misfortune of a word choice about which you commented. It is certainly fair for you to say what you like or do not like. Everyone is entitled to his opinions. I respect you for that.

    What I was trying to say is that having created a number of videos, I know how often I have wracked my brain for ideas on what to do. That is the information I desire to know. It is easier to understand the dilemma when one has walked in the same boots. Or to rephrased this tired metaphor, it is, in my opinion, easier to understand the challenges one faces when creating a leather video when he has tried to do it himself. That's all. No negative or slight against you, personally, was meant.

    Yes, I know it is easier to develop a list of "do not do's". I look forward to suggestions of "Do's."

    Thanks, BHD


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