Monday, January 25, 2010


My friend, "M", who I was escorting yesterday when I took my tumble, fell, and broke my ankle leg is taking things personally. I wish she didn't feel responsible for my being a klutz. Heck, these things happen!

She spent most of the day with me today, insisting on helping out, even though my partner was home. But he just let her take over, which made her feel better.

My friend got the word out and my elder buddies have been streaming to my house dropping off lots of food. I am ankle deep in wall-to-wall casseroles. I have run out of room for all this food, but I can't turn it away -- not after someone went to all the trouble to make something for me! My partner has put some of it on ice in coolers. I wish I could eat some of these dishes, like jambalaya, soups, and zucchini dishes. Alas, my chronic colitis won't allow it. But it's the thought that counts, right?

"M" stayed the whole day, even while my partner took me back to the doctor for a follow-up evaluation. When we arrived home this afternoon, ten more plates and boxes of goodies had been delivered. Honestly, I don't know what we are going to DO with all this food!

These people are so sweet to go out of their way to help this one-booted klutz. I give a great deal of credit to my partner for putting up with the constant doorbell ringing and disruptions. He has been right there, at my side, for whatever I need. Bless him, and bless my senior buds. They're the best!

Life is short: what goes around comes around!

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