Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Like Your Boots Snug?

I was exchanging email with someone who was asking me about being fitted for Wesco boots. Owning a number of pairs of Wescos, I have some experience that I was happy to share.

During our email exchange, he mentioned that he wanted his boots to be very snug (close) against his legs. He mentioned that with lace-up boots, it is easy to adjust the fit so they boots would be tight. Since he was considering ordering pull-on boots (like the Wesco Boss or Harness boots), he said that he thought having the boots lined with leather might make them more snug against his legs.

There are several things that I mentioned in reply, such as you will save a LOT of money ordering custom Wesco boots through Stompers Boots of San Francisco rather than the manufacturer.

I also described the "unfortunate" thing that happens to your legs as you age. I hate to say it, but as you get older, your legs will become wider and you may develop problems like vericose veins. Even if you work out regularly, your calf muscles begin to lose tone and expand. Just a little bit each year, and overall they don't get too big, but by your late 40s or 50s, your legs will probably be 1 to 1-1/2" wider in circumference than they were at age 30.

If you like "snug" boots and fit yourself snugly by providing very accurate but close measurements of your calf circumference in your Wesco order, you will find that your boots will outlive your ability to wear them. Eventually, your legs will get wider and you just won't be able to squeeze them on. Your huge investment now will be rendered useless to you, and either you may not wear the boots any more or sell them and be lucky to get half of what you paid for them originally. (Believe me, I've "been there, done that.")

My recommendation: even though Wesco doesn't recommend it, I suggest adding 1/2" to 1" to your calf measurement on the custom sizing form. (The main reason in my opinion as to why Wesco doesn't recommend adding to your calf width measurement is that they know that legs get bigger over time, and that snug boots now will become non-fitting boots later. Thus, Wesco may get another sale later on when your boots don't fit you any more.)

Another thing to know about is a major and frequently overlooked (or not thought-about) matter: as you age, your become susceptible to DVT -- deep vein thrombosis. This is where a clot forms in a vein in your leg due to poor circulation. The clot could break free and end up in the brain, causing a stroke, or in the heart, causing cardiac arrest. it's very serious, and happens more often than people realize. It could happen to anyone, but those who smoke cigarettes or take medications that affect blood circulation (such as pain killers, blood pressure, or certain asthma drugs), are more at risk.

When you wear boots snugly on your legs, you are significantly increasing the "odds" of getting a clot, even at a younger age, because snug boots will reduce blood circulation in the legs and feet. When you take your boots off - BAM! A stroke! I know someone who was 41 years old and had this happen. It wasn't pretty.

My personal recommendation is to get boots that allow room around your legs so they are not squeezed. Consider if you will be wearing leather breeches or jeans tucked inside the boots.

So be careful and cautious before choosing to make your boots snug tightly on your legs. Just a word of warning, in case you didn't know.

1 comment:

  1. Good advice. Other factors that predispose one to DVT include previous or family history of DVT, circulation problems, obesity and cancer (or having had cancer treatment). Periods of immobility are also an issue, so anyone travelling a very long haul flight in tight boots should take especial care to do the various leg/foot exercises.

    As well as brain and heart, the clots from DVT can end up in the lung, causing pulmonary embolism (I've seen this first-hand, and it wasn't nice).


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