Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sister Act

Guest blog by R, G and C, BHD's triplet sisters

We figured if our brothers could get into the act yesterday, that we could, too. We are four years older than BHD and J, and are fraternal triplets. That means that while we share the same date of birth, but have enough physical differences that you wouldn't call us identical. We think similarly, and oddly enough, we each have married and have had five children a piece -- two of whom share the same birthday, and three of whom share the same date of birth (figure that one out!) These coincidental birth dates of our children were not planned, but happened by serendipity.

If you ask BHD, he would insist that we were put onto this earth to torment him and J, his twin brother.

Never! They were put on earth to torment us! We couldn't have boys over without B and J giggling behind the curtains, or putting fake spiders in the drink glasses. It was no wonder that we would pretend to chase them around and jump out to startle them in the upstairs hallway.

As we have grown up -- speaking for ourselves, because our little brothers will always be our "little" brothers -- we realize that our brothers are pretty good people. Some of us have moved apart, while R and BHD live in the same area. Regardless of our physical location, BHD has worked hard to keep us together by implementing internet technology as long as 14 years ago when he created an email distribution list for the family. Now he runs a website for our family to post messages, pictures, and updates about what we are up to. It even integrates with Facebook.

As much as we had some sibling arguments when we were kids, we have become close friends in our adult lives. In particular, we'll never forget that BHD saved G's life. Literally.

We know this is not a family blog, but we have seen how much fun J has playing with BHD's blog, so we thought we would chime in together and say, "we love you, little brothers!" Catch you in the ether! And BHD -- don't go chasing little old ladies any more. You're not as young as you used to be! (Alas, good deeds never go unpunished, do they?) We look forward to seeing you on your Harley and in those boots at our family reunion in July!

Life is short: love your brothers; they need all the help they can get.

1 comment:

  1. Why if it isn't the tormenting sisters three! Saw your FB posting, too. Thanks for caring for our brother. He will be fine. Just give him his boots back! (Where did you hide them?)

    Don't forget that I am a whole foot taller than any of you, and I'll whup your a** in the three-legged race at the family reunion. Our brother already has a leg up on it, so to speak HA HA HA



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