Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Best Friend

What's a "best friend?" I think of grade school, when you picked one person to be your "best friend" and everyone else was second....

As an adult, of course, things are different. I have my partner, life-long friends, intimate friends, close friends, casual friends, and acquaintances. Of course my partner is my "bestest" friend, but that's a different story. He's got to be!

My life-long friends know me, or they think they know me; however, memories of the "me as a kid" sometimes affect their perception of the "me as a middle-aged man." This applies to most of my siblings, as well. But that's to be expected. They all love me, for who I was and who I am and who I will be. They will be with me all of my life.

My close friends are those who know me pretty well. They know I drink Coke (Zero) instead of coffee in the morning, am uber-annoyed at people who won't "hang up and drive," that I don't eat broccoli, and that I abhor violence (or even play-acting violence on TV). They know when I'm feeling a bit down, and what to say to help me feel better. They let me help, and they help me. They're "there" through thick, thin, and in between. We communicate regularly through a variety of methods, and have a good sense of what works to form that net to which I often refer -- the net that supports someone throughout his life. These friends form the fabric of my "life net."

Intimate friends, of which there are very few, not only have all the qualities of close friends, but also truly know my heart. They can read me and intuit how I feel. They know just what to say -- or sometimes, what not to say. I am not referring to sexual intimacy, which is reserved only for my partner, but rather, I am referring to personal intimacy. These are the friends who I trust and allow into my personal space. Few get that close. Few ever will.

I was speaking on the phone with two of these intimate friends yesterday -- AZ and my twin brother -- and they each made me realize how incredibly rich I am. I have a partner who loves me, cares for me, and will do anything for me. I have a nice home. I have health insurance and am getting decent medical care. I have people who look after me and show me how they care -- as I have tried to show them that I care about their well-being, too.

Further, though, AZ and J reminded me that while I feel down, frustrated, angry at being confined and hobbled, that I have talents that I can apply to get me out of these doldrums. Each in their own way urged me to engage my talents and concentrate on doing something during this period of confinement that I would not have had the time to do if I were engaged in my usual busy, active life. You know what? They're right!

And what's interesting to me is that both of them knew how I was feeling before I even told them. They just know me. They know my heart.

Luv 'ya, guys... with all my heart.

Life is short: seize your talents. Your intimate, close friends want you to!

1 comment:

  1. You are amazingly talented, so get off that bum-f feeling of yours and rise to the challenge! I know you can do it, as I have deep faith in your skills and capabilities. You have NO IDEA how you inspire me every day, big brother!



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