Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Broccoli and Nuts

Tales of this gimp's ongoing recovery from the broken leg, while bootless....

I mentioned that senior pals brought us a lot of food last week. Most of what they prepared was in containers that we could heat in the microwave and enjoy in one sitting. Though I must say that Mrs. K just went crazy -- she prepared a type of goulash that was delightful, but very filling and was in a huge container! I finished it at lunch yesterday, and my partner and I had two full servings for dinner last week. I just wish she didn't put broccoli in it. Oh well, I just picked it out. (Broccoli and I never got along... ever.)

And who woulda thunk that broccoli would be added to corned beef? I can understand why it was in potatoes au gratin, but not mixed in with corned beef. (And yeah, I also picked out the cabbage. That doesn't work well when your digestive system is on overdrive.)

The doc warned me that the prescription pain pills have a bad side effect: constipation. I haven't been taking the pain pills very much, and the good news is that... I don't have that problem. Thank goodness for small favors.

I also muse, "what is it about nuts in everything?" Okay, I understand why nuts were in the brownies that my neighbor made for me, but why were nuts in the pasta casserole? Nuts make me go nuts... so it's no additional nuts for me! (If you get what I mean -- LOL!)

One of the things I am learning to handle is not preparing my own meals. When I cook, I know what is in everything I am eating, and thus can ensure that I don't have any unwanted "post-effects" caused by reactions to compounds in certain foods.

I love to cook. When I built our house, I worked with our architect to design my dream kitchen. It is large, spacious, and has a commanding view of our park-like back yard. I have spent hours cooking away, singing, and enjoying time preparing meals for my partner, my friends, and family.

Now that I cannot physically stand up for more than a minute or two at a time, I cannot prepare meals. I suck it up and say "thank you" and enjoy what food has been prepared for me. Besides the omnipresent effervescent casseroles that seem to multiply more quickly than the rabbits in our forest, we also have foods in the freezer that I made a few weeks ago. We are doing fine, food-wise. I long to return to the time when I can prepare our meals -- and leave broccoli on my partner's salad, and nuts in the bird feeder!

"What, time to eat?" ... my partner calls me to the table. I hop in and get settled. He says, "oh, there were some side-dishes in some smaller containers. I heated one of them... hmmm, what's inside? Why, it's broccoli and nuts!"

Life is short. Just smile, and eat your vegetables. Mom would be proud!

1 comment:

  1. You can save the broccoli and nuts for me. They're two of my favorite food items and I eat both almost every day. LOL



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