Sunday, February 14, 2010

To My Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day!

I will keep this short, only to say that my beloved Valentine will be surprised today when a special treat that I ordered just for him is presented by a leather-clad stud. A dozen red roses, a red velvet cake, and a card. 'twasn't cheap, but well deserved. (Thanks, Dave!)

Meanwhile, I'm feeling a bit more human. Yesterday, I put on a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt, with a real boot on my left foot. I ditched the sweats I had been wearing since I broke my right leg. Guido and I sat on the island in my kitchen and prepared cupcakes for my special valentine, my love, my hunk, my partner, my best half.

I made these cupcakes to throw my partner off the scent that something else might be delivered today. When the doorbell rings, I'll say, "will you please answer the door since I can't get up?" Ordinarily, my partner avoids answering the door and interacting with people, but since I broke my leg, he's been pretty good about doing that. Since some family and elder buds have been dropping by to visit or bring (more) casseroles, he wouldn't think twice about the doorbell ringing again. I just want to be there to see his face when the flower-bearing leatherhunk is standing there! LOL!

To the man I love with all my heart, soul, and every ounce of my being: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

Life is short: show those you love that you love them!

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