Thursday, February 4, 2010

The View

Looking out my kitchen window is so beautiful...this is the park we built in the forest behind our house, and the view from our kitchen window after yet another snowfall. This snow was of the variety that it clung to every branch, twig, and trunk and looked amazing.

This view is among the reasons why I love to spend hours in my kitchen cooking various things for my partner and me to eat, baking goodies for my elderly friends, and otherwise enjoying creating culinary delights. In nicer weather, my partner spends hours in the forest, just watching.

The cardinals decorate the trees much like Christmas ornaments. The squirrels play "catch me if you can" or "where did I hide that nut?" and the Baltimore Orioles twitter a happy little tune while flashing their orange wings against black bodies. What a sight.

Life is short: love its beauty.

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