Friday, March 12, 2010

The Life of a Klutz

I am a klutz. Face it... put anything in my way, and I'll find a way to trip over it. Don't even do that -- just find a way for me to trip over something, like uneven pavement, a throw-rug, a branch on a path in the forest, my partner's feet... and I will.

People with natural grace don't get it. They've never had to deal with being, well, "klutzy."

That is how I broke my leg. I tripped over my own legs. Well, it was a little more complicated than that, but nonetheless, someone who has natural grace and balance wouldn't trip and fall.

When I was younger and my siblings tried to teach me how to dance, all gave up with frustration because I would find a way to trip over my partner's feet, step on them, or step on myself and fall. Or swing my leg and clunk it against someone or something.

Does wearing boots make me more (or less) klutzy? Not really. I have many instances of tripping while walking barefooted in my bedroom on the way to the bathroom.

Face it, the life of a klutz is one that I lead. I am forever looking out for things over which I may trip, and assiduously avoiding any activity that may require gracefulness. Thank goodness when I ride my Harley, I can be graceful on that in my sweeps and turns as I ride... but doing so does not require walking.

Since I broke my leg, my partner has been so concerned about the possibility of my tripping over anything, he has completely "childproofed" our home. All throw rugs, excess chairs, tables ... everything over which I possibly could trip has been moved away from my path of travels within our house. He wants me to heal completely without any other problems.

Regretfully, my crutches got in my way last week when I was using the toilet, and I tripped over the john in an attempt to avoid tripping over my crutches. Face it, I am just a klutz. No other words are available to describe it.

If you are among the most fortunate -- that is, if you walk with grace and composure -- consider yourself lucky not to be "blessed with the klutzy curse" as I am.

Life is short: walk with grace!


  1. Hi BHD
    I heard a statistic recently: in 1 out of 4 elderly who have a hip fracture or break, it leads to their early death through complications, immobility etc. Its worth keeping in mind how important it is as we get older to take extra care. So well done to your partner!!
    PS I write from London now. I recently left Taiwan to work here for next 4 years. London's great!! Pat

  2. BHD,

    You must spoil the fun and come out for BOTH of us.

    (Closeted klutz until he tripped over BHD's post - imagine that - and fell out)


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