Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sunshine and Smiles

I've never worn bell-bottom jeans as much as I have since I had my accident, broke my leg, and got a humongous cast on it. The jeans fit great, especially over the cast.

We are enjoying our pre-Spring weather tease. That is, it has been sunny and fairly warm -- great motorcycle "leather weather" and had I been physically able and castless, that's where I would be: on the saddle of my Harley all duded up in leather and boots.

Oh well, this dream shall remain a dream for the time being. My partner had off work on Monday. We spent the afternoon together enjoying each other's company. He carefully brought me out to our deck and got a chair for me. I truly enjoyed sitting in the warm sunshine and breathing the fresh air. Watching the squirrels play, the birds flutter, and the geese being busy nesting their eggs, soon to have goslings waddling around.

What was best of all was spending that quiet time with my partner. We watched, we listened, held hands, and relaxed. Seldom do we have the opportunity to relax together this way. Not many words were said. We didn't need to talk. Just being with each other in the warmth was wonderful.

Life is short: show those you love that you love them.

1 comment:

  1. Are you concerned that if you only wear one boot the soles of said pair of boots will become uneven? Lol .. I couldn't think of anything smart to say. Glad to see you are healing up. The cast would drive me NUTS! I've never had a broken bone.


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