Saturday, April 24, 2010

Family Well Wishes

Guest blog post by BHD's twin brother, J

I asked to write today's post on this blog since I wanted to wish my brother and his partner a very happy anniversary, and be the first one to do it. Their actual anniversary is tomorrow. I'm sure my brother will post something about it.

My brother and his partner will be celebrating 17 years of being together. I most sincerely regret that they can't think back to a wedding like my wife and I do, and sit and review photos in an album like we do. As gay men, getting married is not permitted where they live -- yet -- so they do what most gay men do, and celebrate their anniversary as the day they met, rather than the day they had a formal civil ceremony where the state recognizes their relationship.

It's sad for me that my brother and his partner don't have the same rights and recognition that my wife and I have -- just because he loves and is committed to a man and I love and am committed to a woman. It's just blatantly unfair. I know my brother is among those who are "working on it." But he also works hard on a number of issues that pertain to the health, well-being, and safety of the community. Especially of his beloved seniors for whom he cares.

All of us in the family embrace our brother and his partner as our own. We love them. We hold them closely in our hearts. We cherish their relationship and commitment, and stand by to assist in any way we can. That is what family is for, and what our parents taught us and would expect. But it's more than that: we do it because we want to.

Happy anniversary, brother & [*] (Gosh, I wish you let me use your names on your own damn blog, bro'!)

May you share joy, peace, and contentment for many more years to come.

Warm hugs always,

Your whole fam-damily!

1 comment:

  1. J has quite the way with words. We love you too, little brother.

    Your sister,



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