Sunday, April 18, 2010

Feels Sooooo Good!

Within my crazy-busy weekend, I carved out some "me time" to get back on my Harley since the doc said the broken leg was history. It was wonderful!

First, I carefully checked the bike over from front to back, from tires to seat to cables to lights to controls. The bike has been sitting idle on a trickle charger since last I rode it in the middle of January. Then I broke my leg, and couldn't ride.... What a long, dreary wait. Fortunately, everything was fine and the tires only needed a little air.

I wasn't sure I would have time to go for a ride on Saturday. I had some friends offer to come over in the morning and ride with me, but I had to turn them down because I had commitments for my community work. A meeting, building a website for a political candidate, taking some elder buds grocery shopping, caring for my aunt... all these things plus some work around the house take time.

My partner and I had a meeting of the minds, and he agreed that I just had to get it out of my system: I had to ride! So by early afternoon, the critical things were done, and I had time to get booted and on the saddle of my beloved Road King.

I pulled on my new Champion Attitude harness boots that have burgundy leather shafts that match the Harley's colors, and black ostrich feet. Kinda cool, and different. They fit well over my jeans.

I pulled on my leather jacket, rolled the bike into the drive, and it started up right away. I carefully engaged the clutch, dropped it into first, and off I went ... around the cul-de-sac to get used to riding again. As I was doing this maneuver, a biker bud who I know rode over. He said that he thought he would check to see if I were going for a ride since he saw a post I had made on a public forum. His timing couldn't have been better!

We rode on some back roads and byways, slowly but surely. My bike loves to ride, and the boots enjoyed their first experience being used as they were designed: biker's boots!

We didn't stay out long. I had another meeting to attend in the late afternoon. But it sure was nice to get out.

My leg is a little sore, in all honesty, and as I am writing this post on Saturday night, I have ice on it. But I also have the biggest smile on my face! Woo-hoo! I am reintroducing you to Booted Harleydude: biker, community caregiver, spirited worker, ... all these things. But most of all, I'm a very happy man.

Life is short: there is life after a broken leg!


  1. You look quite deliriously happy here. Good to see. X

  2. I'm so happy for you BHD, as you would advise..keep the rubber side down and your sunny side up!

  3. Hey, brother! Look at you! I am so happy for you being back on your bike! I can't wait to get over there for the family reunion in August and we show up together on Harleys!

    Congrats, big brother. I know it has been a long, cold, and bitter winter with your broken leg and all. Now your spirits are soaring!

    Love you and ride safe!


  4. Great to have you back on the road! Good to see the recovery is well on its way.
    Oh, be sure to wave at us non-Harley riders.


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