Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Social Stigmas in Choices of Jeans

I received an email message the other day from a guy who wrote to me with a question about jeans:

Are there any stigmas associated with guys who wear Dickies jeans to say, a western dance club or concert?

He probably wrote to me after reading my tutorial on jeans and boots. Lots of guys obsess about whether to wear jeans inside or outside of boots. Some have questions about the "right" type of jeans to wear with boots. This probably was the case with this writer.

Here is what I said in reply:

There's nothing wrong with wearing Dickies jeans. If that's what you like, then that's great. Dickies jeans aren't as common in some parts of the country as in others. I have seen lots of guys wearing Dickies jeans and boots in Oklahoma, for example. I don't see them much around Maryland where I live, but they're just not found in our local stores as much as Levis and Wranglers.

Dickies jeans are less costly than Wranglers or Levis, but are well made so they are a better value. Wranglers and Levis have a cost mark-up just for the name. Dickies doesn't have that reputation. So actually, you're making a statement when you wear Dickies jeans that you appreciate good value and quality.

In my opinion, people who judge others because they're not wearing the most popular name-brand apparel have some growing up to do. Believe me, I live with that all the time where I live in the DC area.

One thing to consider is that people make judgments by how people LOOK in what they wear, and not only on the actual clothing. Stand tall, smile, and look confident. That can go a long way into what others perceive about you, regardless of your clothing choices.

So wear your Dickies proudly. Thanks for asking.

Life is short: wear what you like, proudly.

1 comment:

  1. Up until a year or so ago I exclusively wore cargo shorts; even in winter. When I started my leather business I had to work outside more so I bought a pair of wranglers. I love them; so I bought five more. My second choice is carhart. The wranglers look best with boots I think. I sometimes wear leather pants in the morning but when the earth heats up I am sweating to death about noon; and I bought cheap leather pants so they don't fit like I would like them to.

    I did a bike rally this weekend: www.slybalddude.com (blog).. and gained a new interest in getting a pair of pants or chaps that fit well.


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