Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Someone asked me once, "are all boots that the police wear black?" Well, for the most part, the answer is, "yes." There are a few exceptions in the United States and in some other countries where tall brown boots can be found. But at all of the events where motor officers participate that I have attended, their boots have been uniformly black, tall, and ... black LOL!

As I was watching the (relatively few) motor officers arrive at the Law Ride in Washington, DC, I was (of course) looking at their boots. I giggled to myself at how quickly I was able to determine which brand and style of boots were on the cops -- Dehner Boots, Chippewa Hi-Shine Engineer Boots, Chippewa Patrol Boots, and a few Wesco Motor Patrol Boots. There seemed to be a relatively even split this year between Dehners and Chippewa Hi-Shines among the some 200 motor officers who were there. The numbers of officers who rode in the Law Ride this year was significantly less -- about 40% from the number who were there the year before.

I discussed this with my fellow boot blogger, Cliff, at lunch yesterday. Gosh, it was great to see him and enjoy catching up with each other. Cliff was also at the Law Ride and remarked about what I had noticed about the vast drop in motor officers attending. He agreed that the economy had something to do with it. Amusing aside: as Cliff and I were seated at the restaurant, the waiter noticed our boots. He said, "nice boots! Want to trade for my shoes?" We laughed and said, "of course not!"

Anyway, why did I post this blog post with the title "motorboots?" Because, that's what cops call their boots. Simple as that. Enjoy the galleries of the cops and motorboots that I just posted to my website.

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