Monday, May 3, 2010

New Boots? New Leather?

Lately, I have received a number of promotions from some of my favourite vendors of boots and leather. Stompers Boots of San Francisco will soon be ending its "20% off Recession Sale" that has been in place for the past several months. This week, 665 Leather of West Hollywood, California, is offering 15% off anything they sell.

While new boots and leather always tempt me, I honestly can say, "thanks, but no thanks, I have enough already." Wow... for me, that's saying something. But it's true. I have all the boots that I want; I really don't want any more. Sure, there are a few styles of boots that I have my eye on, but they are too expensive for what I would be willing to pay. So I just admire from the internet.

665 Leather makes really great gear. However, as I perused their on-line catalog, I said to myself, "I have that... I have that... I have that... I don't want that... I don't want that, either." I can't think of anything that I would want. I am definitely not interested in the toys or rubber gear that they sell, so my options are limited. I'll take a pass.

Again, I am surprising myself a little bit when I am saying, "I'll take a pass." But why spend money on something I don't need, or duplicates something that I already have, or is something I would wear only once in a blue moon. I don't go out socially any more, I don't go to bars, my partner have grown beyond registering for and going to leather events ... there really is no "need" nor desire for more gear. Not now, anyway.

That's what's floating around in my head lately. I guess by the time you reach the numbers of boots in my collection and the amount of leather gear that I have, you really do reach a saturation point.

Life is short: enjoy what you have!

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