Monday, May 31, 2010

Touring Ruled Out

I have long wanted to go on a motorcycle tour of New England through the Canadian Maritimes, then west, ending in Toronto. This isn't a type of trip that one would take alone. You need at least one other person to be with you, in case something happens and to enjoy the experience together.

I tried appealing to my club through its newsletter for someone to go with me on such a ride, but nobody wanted to go on a slow trip as I described. That is, I suggested riding no more than 250 - 300 miles each day. Most people in my club ride much more than that in a day when they go on long trips. I prefer to "stop and smell the roses" as they say, and take my time. Plus, riding long distances gets tiring. These guys like to ride all day and drink all night... which doesn't work for me.

I went on-line and found five motorcycle tour operators who offer to take you on rides in that area varying from 5 to 14 days in length. However, the fee for the tours that I found began at US$2,300 for the five-day tour, and went up (and up and up) from there. Meals, gas for the Harley, and incidental expenses would be extra. Nah-ah; I don't want to spend that kind of money.

I regret that my partner is unable to ride with me as my passenger, or we would take such a tour by ourselves. But he can't due to his disability. It doesn't make sense for him to drive a car and me to ride my bike. It's no fun that way, plus the trip would become just as exhausting to my partner as it would be to me.

I guess my dream will not be fulfilled this summer... but I will continue to look for a motorcycling companion with whom to ride on such a journey.

Life is short: dream.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir,

    Your said plan of a leisurely ride suits my tastes perfectly. I love a slow trip where I get time to smell the roses when I get the opportunity and can choose to move to another place if where I stop does not appeal to me.

    Unfortunately, this poor sod cannot even ride a bicycle.

    So, your search continues.

    Yours sincerely,



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