Saturday, May 29, 2010

TV Drama Hits Close To Home

I do not watch television, and find most of it, when I do see it, just silly. But that's my opinion. My partner doesn't share that opinion. He's addicted to his Tivo, and records lots of current TV. He chills out in the evenings catching up on various shows while I'm out at meetings and saving the world.

There is a TV show called "Glee" which captures the attention of lots of people, including the LGBT community. I haven't been following it, but I see almost everywhere that it is a hugely popular show with a large following.

The other night, my partner watched the latest episode, and called to me to watch a segment that, when I saw it, reminded me very much of something that happened to me. I have a huge family, and some of my family are narrow-minded homophobes. (As they say, "you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family"). Sadly, my homophobic family members reacted very negatively when I introduced my partner to them at a family reunion in 1993.

The following scene from "Glee" was very much like what happened to me at that family reunion. (Thanks to my friend Clay for pointing out that this segment was captured on YouTube).

My big brother, an Army Colonel at the time, defended me. I'll never forget. I thought, at the time, that he was uncomfortable with me and my sexuality. He had been distant and quiet. But his strong stand in defending me, as his brother and his blood, will never, ever, EVER, be forgotten. I love you, M ... always.

Remember that words can hurt as much as a body-blow. People are people, family is family, love is love.

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