Monday, June 7, 2010

The Day of a Dozen Pairs of Boots

On Saturday, I just couldn't get the boots right. When I first got up, I pulled on my Champion Attitude ostrich/biker boots, but then decided, "nahhh, I've been wearing them a lot" so I pulled them off and said, "I haven't worn Wescos in a while!" So I pull on my tall black Wesco harness boots.

No sooner had I walked into the kitchen to make breakfast than my legs felt hot. Ooops, these boots just aren't good in hot weather. Even in air conditioned comfort, my legs were getting uncomfortable. So off with those boots! But I thought, well, perhaps it is that pair of boots, so let me try my tall brown Wesco Harness boots. They fit a little less tightly on the legs.

However, during breakfast, my legs began to feel just as uncomfortable as they did when I was wearing their black brothers. I quickly pulled them off and put on the closest boots available -- an old pair of Justin Palamino cowboy boots.

I pulled those off right after breakfast. My feet hurt. Today just wasn't going to be my day!

I then put on my tall black and blue Olathe buckaroo boots. They looked good, and felt okay. My partner and I picked up some senior pals and went to the grocery store. I also checked in on my beloved aunt who I look after. But I have to be honest, by the time I got home three hours later, my feet were sore again! Off with the boots!

I was planning on padding around barefooted, but my partner asked me to grill some burgers for lunch. Since the grill is outside, I had to put boots on again. So I grabbed a pair of Frye campus boots. Ooops, wrong choice. They felt fine in the foot, but the right boot was very tight on my once-broken leg, so I had to take it off and try again... this time, with a pair of Nocona Rattlesnake boots.

Wow! They felt great! I thought I had the boot-feeling-foot-sore problem solved. Then I decided to run to the wireless phone store and get rid of the Blackberry and downgrade to a regular old cell phone, which I am only keeping because it's a requirement when leading rides for my club, or otherwise I wouldn't have one. I decided to go to that store using my Harley... so guess what? The smooth leather-soled cowboy boots had to come off.

On came an old pair of tall Chippewa engineer boots. Off I rode, exchanged the phone, and returned home a half-hour later.

Keeping score? eight pairs... so far, and by then, it was only 1:00.

The Chips felt just fine so I thought that I would wear them the rest of the day. Then "oops" ... I was using the hose to water the garden, and believe it or not, the nozzle came off and the hose fell onto my leg, filling my left boot with water. Honestly, I didn't do that on purpose!

I pulled off the boot, drained it, and hung it upside down to dry while I went inside to find another pair of boots. I put on their brothers, my non-steel toe engineer boots. They felt just as comfortable as their steel-toed brothers.

I ran some more errands, looking after some of my elder buds, when one of them asked me to meet him on the Bocce course. Time for another change! Engineer boots wouldn't cut it for Bocce. I needed something more "tactical." So I quickly changed to my Chippewa Firefighter boots, met my buddies, and had a great game while chattering away in Italian.

When I got home, my partner muttered, "you're dropping dirt clods on the carpet again!" Oops... I picked up dirt from the bocce course. Mud and grass were embedded in the thick lug soles. Off with the boots, to the laundry sink for some cleaning! On with a pair of Dan Post black cherry cowboy boots that I wore while preparing dinner.

All was well until my partner suggested that we watch a movie called "The Butch Factor" on TV after dinner. He suggested that we "get ready" and handed me a pair of boots that he wanted me to wear. So my All-American Patrol Boots were pulled up over a pair of chaps. Those boots look great with leather, and have wide enough of a calf circumference to accommodate leather tucked into them.

Life is short: wear boots -- many of them!


  1. Darling,

    Imelda Marcos would have been so proud of you!

  2. This is hilarious. I think we cast your boots in their own tv reality show. The suspense... which pair will get picked next?... will they survive the next challenge? (And yes, we would all cheer for our favorites.)

  3. I've had days like this too... but never made it to a dozen pairs...


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