Friday, June 18, 2010

Got No Time

Have you ever had those times when a song gets in your head and it keeps "playing"? Lately, the tune "No Time" by The Guess Who, which was released in 1969, keeps repeating. (BTW, one of my friends explained to me that "hearing a tune" and not being able to shake it is called an "ear worm." Yuck... sounds like a creepy Star Trek episode... but I digress.)

The title of this song, "No Time," is applicable to my life right now. You'd think since I'm not working at a regular job, I would have all the time in the world. Ain't the case.

Somehow I signed myself up to help with two motorcycle rides each on Saturday and Sunday. I don't know why I let that happen. I should know better. My partner whines about all the chores to do around the house and my absences for an activity that he can't join me to do. I had to back out of one of these rides. I hate making a commitment and then not being able to carry it out. But if I were gone on both Saturday and Sunday, my partner would "not be pleased." (Ummm... been there, done that... it's not pretty.)

Further, I have picked up some contracts to do some work for some agencies and companies, which is great, because I can do this work from home and make some money on the side. However, all these contracts are on short fuses, meaning the deadlines are quick and require almost instantaneous response throughout the day.

My dear 95-year-old aunt is not doing well at all, so I am spending a LOT of time at her place helping out. Even though her son has been here this week (he left yesterday), I am still spending time with him to care for my aunt and help guide decisions for her comfort.

I am serving as webmaster for two contested local political campaigns, and each of my candidates have frequent requests to update their respective websites, send blast email messages, and so forth. It is not difficult work, but ... it requires time.

Further, I made a dumb mistake. I have a very close friend who lives in Oklahoma whose husband died recently. She had bought her husband an extensive set of cast metal model vehicles over the years. She now needs money so she can move into an assisted living center. I offered (before she asked) to sell the models for her on eBay. She sent them to me ... all 192 of them! OMG! I had no idea it was that many! I have to take several pics of each one, then prepare listings for auction, manage the auctions, ship the items... arrrgggh! How do I get myself into these messes, Ollie? (And it was another "not pleased" moment when my partner saw the volume of boxes that arrived. "Where are we going to put all that?" he ululated! [BTW, the verb "ululate" clearly applies in this specific instance].)

... then there's this extensive "honey-do" list at home. These are all things that need to be done, and require time, work, and effort. I won't bore you with the list, but it's a lot.

So, I got no time...
... to ride
... to create videos or update my website
... hardly even to blog.

Wish me peace.

Life is short: too damn short sometimes.

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