Monday, June 14, 2010

Live Free and Ride!

Yesterday, I was involved with a charity fundraiser for the families of law enforcement officers who were killed in the line of duty. I led the pack, riding wing to the overall civilian event organizer. The wing position is second, to the right of the lead rider, who is on my left. (To make this very clear: I am not a sworn police officer. I was the lead Road Captain for a group of riders who belong to the same organized motorcycle rider's group as I do. There was another man who was the overall event organizer for the supporters of this charitable fundraising event.)

What you see above is my view of the motor officers who escorted our ride. They ride ahead to stop traffic at intersections so the entire ride can ride through without stopping, and also to watch for our safety.

What you see to the left was my occasional view as an officer who had stopped traffic for us let the group ride past, then he rode past us on our left to catch up to the group of officers escorting us. So every now and then, we would hear a "whoop whoop" of a siren, and then see a motor officer whiz past us. Nice sight!

What you see below was a "behind me" view of what it looked like in my rear-view mirror. Pretty cool! I enjoy leading the pack, especially for a good cause.

For views of the some of the patrol boots that I saw, see last night's post.

Life is short: live free and ride!

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