Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hot Boots!

Yes, there is a website by that name, and I beg the forgiveness of the website's moderator, Larry, for taking a tangent on the title.

I am referring, of course, to the weather. This week where we live, it has reached over 100°F (38°C) each day, with humidity of over 70% -- meaning that it's just a sauna outdoors.

I am doing my best to avoid it and remain indoors where it is air conditioned, but I have work that has to be done to repair our decks, errands to run, on which I go using my Harley, and my aunt to take care of.

Most guys I see are wearing shorts and sneakers, but some wear those dreaded sandals and worse: flip-flops. Not at the beach, mind you, but around town. I abhor those things, not only for how silly they appear, but how dangerous they are. But I digress....

Some people have asked me, "you say you wear boots all the time: even in this heat?" Yes, I do. Even when it is hot as blazes outside. Of course, I wear boots while riding my Harley, but also as I go about my daily business.

With a boot collection of the size that I have, fortunately I have many choices so I choose boots that are light on the feet, and have plenty of "breathing room" around the calf. A padded insole and cotton/wool socks help absorb sweat. (Yes, I always wear socks: actually socks keep your feet cooler by absorbing sweat than wearing boots without socks do.) But even with lightweight boots, my feet still get hot.

What do I do? I change my boots often. I'll run an errand, then change boots. I work on the deck, then shower and change boots. I may change my boots during hot weather six to eight times each day. Why? Mostly for comfort. Dry, cool boots are comfortable. I heat them up when moving around, then take them off and put them in a place with good air circulation and out of the sun. The insides will dry naturally, while I wear another pair during waking hours.

This week alone (since Sunday), I have worn 40 different pairs of boots. Too many to name all of them. I vary from biker boots while riding my Harley to cowboy boots when I am not to work boots when working on the deck. It's all good.

They say that you should "rotate" boots regularly. I don't know that turning them around and around does a thing, but changing often sure helps. (giggle. I'm always a stickler for exact definitions of words in American English.)

Life is short: wear boots, and change them often!

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