Friday, July 2, 2010

Spellin Dusn't Count

Apparently to Google, spelling doesn't count. I have seen visitors come to my blog by looking up:
  • how to were cowboy boots
  • where boots
  • y were motorsikle boots
  • u were boots
  • 2 go 2 lthr prid
... and many more such gaffs. More than gaffs: to me, signs of a poor education. And mind you, these visitors were from the United States. I forgive people from other countries whose first language is not English. But for those from the U.S., I anticipate that common words should be spelled correctly.

Am I anticipating too much? Probably so. These days with texting short-hand, most kids never spell out words. They use short forms of words to get across their message. That's fine for texting, but for writing messages for email, or for papers for school or work, I come from the "old school" where spelling counts.

There is nothing I can do about it, other than to post occasional rants from time to time. This is one of them.

Life is short: learn to spell.


Anonymous said...

Read the chapter entitled, "The Illusion of Literacy" in the, "The Empire of Illusion" by Chris Hedges, to get a spine-chilling glimpse of where we might be heading. Or maybe don't, its rather depressing!

Shane said...

BHD, they're Drunk! They're having a few drinks and park'in it in front of the computer.