Monday, August 23, 2010

900th Blog Post

Blogger makes it too easy to count the number of posts on a blog. So here's 900 (well, actually #903 since the "straight guy" series and my brother's post occupied important, sequential positions).

I'm thinkin' of reducing the every-day posting activity to less often. Some times I have a lot to say, and other times I don't. Some times people have time to read, and other times, they don't. I think I'll try to strike a balance in the middle somewhere. What do you think?

Meanwhile, keep reading, and I'll keep writing.

Life is short: blog on!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on reaching this milestone! I think they say that the first 899 blog posts are the hardest, so it's smooth sailing from here. LOL

    I have immensely enjoyed, and continue to enjoy your posts. Although some topics are of more interest than others, I always find something I can relate to in each of your postings. It's evident that you put so much thought and care in each posting. As a thinking person, I appreciate that in others.

    So, whatever the frequency of posts, you can sure that I'll be reading.



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