Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Blank Page

I found the most interesting and useful internet page -- it is called, simply, "Blank Web Page." (See it by clicking here. I promise, it won't hurt your computer nor introduce bad things like a trojan or a virus.)

I build in re-directs from some of my website's pages to this page from time to time. A "re-direct" simply means that if you think you are visiting a page on my website, it ends up somewhere else and entirely off the domain of my website.

Unfortunately, some people who participate in various on-line forums include a link to my website. They make comments about what appears on the website page to which they are linking. Most of the time, I can't see what they're saying, but I can guess. Since they linked to me without permission and I have no idea what they're saying, I redirect them elsewhere. I don't want them on my site.

Forums for CHP officers, Finnish motorbikers, die-hard Harley bikers, and even some brain-dead chick's blog have linked to some pages on my website and then have been re-directed to "Blank Web Page."

Whoever invented "Blank Web Page": thank you for creating it. I had no idea something like this would be so useful.

Fortunately, the people who link to my site and get re-directed to a blank page quickly loose interest and stop visiting. Then I can rest my website back to usual.

Life is short: outsmart dimwits.

1 comment:

  1. This is quite ingenious, yet simple at the same time. It's like a spam filter for crackpots. I'd guess that 90% or more lose interest after the first time.



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