Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Bro's Arrival

Last night, twin brother and his wife arrived. Or shall I say, this morning, just a little while ago... 2:30am to be exact. This post is actually going up "live" as I write it, then to bed... I'm exhausted.

J's plane was scheduled to arrive early yesterday evening (at an airport on the other side of the Potomac River from where I live), but it was delayed leaving France. I was told it would arrive at 9pm, but we waited, and waited... with little information. Finally, we were told that the original plane had to return to France due to a mechanical problem that happened soon after it took off. They had to offload all of the passengers and luggage, find another plane, and put everyone and everything back on the new flight.

But wait... there's more. My brother told me that they made all of the passengers go back through security, even though they never left the secure side of the airport. Oh brother... no wonder flying internationally is such a challenge these days.

I brought a book to read, which I had finished fairly early. I went to look for a bookstore, but by the time I thought to get another trashy novel, the stores had closed. I tried to sleep a little bit, but there was a Mom with a bratty little kid waiting for this same flight to arrive. The kid was cranky and tired, and instead of sleeping as his mother was encouraging him to do, he seemed to scream louder.

I had to wait outside the customs area, and there weren't many places to sit down available. When I did find a place to sit, that's where the kid was. There wasn't any other place to go, as the restaurants and shops were closed.

I'm a zombie. I am only on the computer to find out the hours of the place that has the Harley that my brother will rent. I don't think we're going there the moment it opens, but it's not open tomorrow so we'll pick it up today, sometime.

Wish us a good visit, despite how badly it started.

Life is short: patience is a virtue. Sleep is better.

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