Saturday, August 7, 2010

What Do Cowboys Wear Under Their Jeans?

Yes, another question entered into Google and that landed on my website.

Question: "what do cowboys wear under their jeans?"

Answer: underwear.

What kind -- boxers or briefs?

Answer: yes.

Question: do cowboys ever wear jeans without underwear?

Answer: I don't know. I haven't checked. But when I have ridden horses, I have required all the padding I could get between the saddle and my butt. I figure the same is true with cowboys. Underwear is a good choice. But you'll have to check for yourself, guys.

Also, remember, most cowboys wear jeans over boots, so you can say, in a way, that they wear boots "under" their jeans, too.

Life is short: ubi sub sub ubi (always wear underwear -- a Latin proverb LOL!)

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