Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What I Did on My Blog Vacation

I can talk about it now, ... now that the primary elections are over in my home state. Early last week, a candidate for whom I was volunteering went ballistically negative against his opponent by creating a website devoted to tearing his opponent down. I found out about it just about the time it hit the "blogwaves."

All throughout the campaign, I told the candidate that I detest negative campaigning, and that many of my neighbors feel the same way. His primary political consultant, who doesn't live in our area, is known for hitting hard, but (IMHO) is out of touch with the feelings of the residents of our area. My candidate's actions became incredibly mean-spirited and awful, and literally made me lose my lunch. I didn't sleep the night I found out about it. It hurt me that much... so I had to pull away from the 'net and reduce exposure to sh*t like that. I resigned from his campaign, and "checked out."

I put the paper recycling bin next to the mailbox, and instructed our friendly mail carrier to deposit *all* political mail in the box. I didn't even want to see it. I had already voted (since early voting is finally allowed in our state) so the volume of political mail sent to me after I voted was a waste of trees.

While away from the 'net, I spent joyful time caring for my beloved aunt. Some days, she just wanted to be held, so that's what I did... for hours. I also had a chance to play Bocce with the Bocce boys in the retirement community nearby, chattering away in Italian.

My partner had minor oral surgery last Friday, and I made home-made chicken soup which cured him of any residual pain. We spent most of the day last Saturday working on the yard. When you use compost as fertilizer, it takes longer than spreading chemicals from a bag.

I caught up on taxes, with those dreaded estimated taxes due on the 15th for myself, my small business, my aunt, and 14 other senior buds.

I cleaned house, killing more dust bunnies than we have actual bunnies in our forest. I fixed a broken garden wall that suffered the consequences of freeze-and-thaw. Lots of stuff... but I stayed away from politics, and the people who go with it.

Oh, and I accepted an offer for my dream job. Yep, my lay-off is over. I go back to full-time work doing what I love in a couple weeks. The job is conveniently located in my home town, so the commute will be easy. I am anxious to begin a new chapter in my life, doing what I love to do, and for which I have won international recognition.

...and I watched my candidate lose ... he shot himself in the foot and deserved what happened as a result. So sad, so very sad.

Great break: now back to blogging.

Life is short: remember the priorities, focus on the positive, and separate yourself from negativity.


  1. I know how that story goes, BHD. After they had the primary election to fill Robert Byrd's senate seat (He passed away in June.), I started seeing the two major candidates still in the running for his seat (John Raese and Governor Joe Manchin) degrading each other in TV ads. This turned out to be an even bigger election year for us than we expected.

  2. Congratulations on your job! They must have been blown away by your incredible resume and sharp boots. ;)


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