Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A-List Gross-out

I am writing this post on Tuesday evening, whilst my partner is making me suffer through viewing a show on the Logo network called "A List: New York."  The show was composed of several interviews of "fabulous" gay men in New York City who are so full of themselves and "who they know and where we go" (to select parties, nightspots, etc.) ...

...that it just made me sick.  Gosh, if these guys are supposed to be the trend-setters, then send me back to Oklahoma in my jeans and cowboy boots, whilst riding my Harley.

All I can say is yuck, ick, sucky, gross....  definitely NOT me.  The only thing these gay twits "set" is not trends, but stereotypes.  I finally insisted that he turn it off and watch something else.  It was that bad!

The review of this show in The Washington Post ended with these two paragraphs, which in my opinion, clearly describe what's bad about this show:
The message in "The A-List" is that it's too easy for gay men to get caught up in whatever status war happens to be available, and nothing is quite so withering as the dismissive sneer from an A-gay. You get all the way through the torment of being gay in small towns, high schools and churches, move to the big city, and find, as Karen Carpenter sang, we've only just begun.  No one really talks about why gay men can be so strangely cruel to one another, nor do they ever talk about how gay cliques might inhibit the broader effort to win equal rights.

"The A-List" is, of course, a poor excuse for a social study. Like all reality shows, it quickly turns its attention to the Jacuzzi, and here, at least one measure of equality is achieved: Gay men turn out to be just as distasteful and empty-headed as all the straight people on reality TV.
Life is short:  read a book.

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