Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thanking My Community Heroes

It's the last day of Fire Prevention Week here in the good ol' USA.  Throughout the week, I have been doing a number of things related to fire safety.

Last Saturday, I went on a major motorcycle ride in honor of fallen firefighters.

On Sunday, I brought my partner to the bedroom, blindfolded him, and turned off the lights.  Then I yelled "fire" and we practiced our home fire drill.  (Get your mind out of the gutter!)

On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I visited senior pals and changed batteries or entire smoke alarms as needed.  Smoke alarms last only ten years, so if the alarm was older, I put up a new one.  

Also on Wednesday, I had a chimney sweep come to our house and clean our chimney, and a service technician check over our furnace as winter heating season will soon be upon us.  

On Thursday, I dropped by my local fire station for a visit, and to thank the firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics who are there every day protecting us.

On Friday, I blindfolded my partner again... oops... not for fire prevention activities....

Life is short:  thank a firefighter!

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