Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to My Best Half

Today, 12 November, is my best half's birthday.  We celebrated yesterday, beginning with my famous made-from-scratch waffles.

I got him a silly surprise gift, which he enjoyed!  To understand what the shirt means, you have to observe my partner in our back yard and how he "interacts" with the local squirrel population (giggle.) We enjoyed the day together yesterday, doing some yardwork and then going to a local brew pub for lunch. In the afternoon, we sat in our basement media room, held hands, and watched a movie.

I am truly blessed to have a man who is thoughtful, caring, loving, and truly is, "my best half." He epitomizes in every way what a man should be, and what a spouse is, as well.

An unwanted "gift" today is that my partner will take me to have hernia repair surgery.  This blog will be on hold until I'm recovered enough to write again.  I'm sure the recovery will go well and speed quickly, as my partner and my senior pals are all primed to take care of me.  I'm so blessed.  (But let me ask in advance, "anyone want a casserole?" ... if my senior pals respond the way they did when I broke my leg earlier this year, I anticipate that I may be a bit, um, "overwhelmed." LOL!)

Life is short:  show those you love that you love them.  Happy birthday, my Hunk!

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