Saturday, November 27, 2010

No Website Updates?

Someone sent me an email asking why my boots and leather website has not been updated since November 12.

Answer is:  I haven't had time.  I had surgery to have a hernia repaired on 12 November, then a week to recover.  After that, I began working at my new job.  Then we had the Thanksgiving holiday this week, which found us entertaining 100 senior pals.

While I haven't had time to update or add to my website, but that doesn't mean that I have given up on it.  I will update it from time to time, as there are things to do, or new photos to add. 

I have to admit, though, that I did take Northbound Leather up on a huge discount for some formal leather a while ago.  I should have the gear by Christmas and will post pictures then.  Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, I will be traveling to Seattle on 1 December (through the 6th) for a series of work-related meetings, but I'll have time on the weekend to do some exploration as well.  If you're in Seattle and want to meet up, let me know.

Life is short:  time is, unfortunately, limited.

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