Thursday, January 13, 2011 Update

Dear blog readers,

Two days ago I posted a message on this blog asking for feedback about how my website was operating.

I was blown away with the response!  I heard from people with whom I regularly communicate, but I also heard from many others with whom I have not had the pleasure (yet) of exchanging messages. (Though I wish the two guys from my home town who visit this blog every day would eventually get up the nerve to contact me.)

Overall, I received more than 90 responses to my "request for help" from all over the world.  Amazing.  Incredible.  Overwhelming!  If I did not reply to you (if you provided an email address), please understand that I couldn't reply to everyone.  I have to work, and working gets in the way of responding to email.

What I learned is that everyone said that my website is working fine, and if anything, seems to be loading faster than before.  Perhaps the drop in viewers on Monday was a residual problem of the transition from one web host to another.  Anyway, it seems to be responding well now, and actually for the past two days has had about 500 more unique visitors, on average, than comparative days one week ago.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, my loyal blog readers.  You have helped me a lot, and I am grateful.

Life is short:  be thankful for help you receive!

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