Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Request for Help

Dear Blog Visitors,

I mentioned the other day that I migrated my website to a different web host.  That migration took place over the last weekend.

I am seeing far, far fewer than the average number of visitors to my website.  I am wondering if the website may be responding slowly, and people are not staying on it when it does not respond, or if there is some other reason that my average number of visitors is way down -- like by half.

Will you do me a favor?  Visit my bootedman.com website (click here) and poke around to visit several pages in different sections. Watch how quickly pictures load (or if any do not load.)

Then return to this blog post, click on this link (or leave a comment on this blog post, or email me directly if you have my email address) to let me know your experience with it. You do not have to leave a name or email address on your message if you do not want to -- it just means that if you do not leave contact information, that I cannot reply to acknowledge your input.

Did it work?  Was it fast or did you have to wait a long time for pages to load?  Did you encounter any bugs, or "time out" errors?

I can switch it back to my previous host, which (when it was working) was very fast.  I really appreciate any time you can put into this informal evaluation.  Please know that if you wish, you do not have to give me your name or email address -- you can just provide feedback to me.

Thank you for your help!

Life is short:  too short for slow websites.

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