Sunday, February 27, 2011

Back to Reality

My brief visit to a warm, tropical island is over.  My return home was uneventful, but (as usual), delayed.  And by a new-to-me reason:  the gate from which my connecting flight was to take off had been set up for international flights, and they had not set it back to handle a domestic flight, so my flight was a half-hour late in taking off.  Oh brother... gotta love it, or go nuts otherwise.

I rolled in the door at midnight on Friday night, and found my partner waiting up for me.  We crawled into bed and dropped into deep slumber.  We didn't awake until quite late -- 7:30am -- almost two hours later than usual!  We snuggled closely, held one another, and caught up with each other.

My partner told me that during my absence, our State Senate passed a bill to make it legal for same-sex couples to get married.  The bill is now before our state's House of Delegates, and is expected to pass.  However, there will be more political fall-de-rall by the conservative negative noodles, so we haven't won ... yet.  More work to do. (I didn't have the heart to tell him that I already knew, having read about it from various emails and updates on Facebook and such.)

I rose, showered and dressed (in leather and boots again, yippie!)... and prepared a big breakfast.  Then I went about attending to the needs of my senior pals.  We had fun shopping, visiting, and allowing me to make some repairs in their homes of things like a leaky faucet and a broken door hinge.

I came home to have lunch with my partner. After lunch, my partner and I went to my aunt's condo to finish cleaning it out.  It didn't take too long ... and now after a final trip to the dump, the place is all empty. It echoes like the hole in my heart. While I miss my aunt, I know that I did all that I could to make her last years safe and happy, as best they could be considering her frail health and Alzheimer's condition.

I prepared a great dinner of fresh fish, then afterwords, the evening found me snuggled again with my partner.  We listened to the piano and relaxed, holding each other close. Reunions are so sweet in the arms of the man I love.

Life is short:  enjoy every minute!

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