Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Break for Busy

Well, friends, as I predicted ... my job has picked up in intensity. I find myself working 12-hour and longer days.  That's fine, I enjoy being busy.  I also have a lot of business travel to do, including a trip that begins today.

That is provided I can get out.  I've so annoyed a biker buddy who lives up north that he conjured a Witch Doctor to make it snow, and according to weather forecasts at the time I am writing this post, he has succeeded.  My flight today may or may not depart on time... we will see.  However, being the preparedness guy that I am, I have loaded lots of music into an iPod that I got as a gift recently, and have plenty of books to read.

Because I have been so busy with work, I have less free time.  My free time is committed to caring for my partner, family, and legion of senior pals, and then doing community volunteer work and civic activism.  I also make a big effort to continue my walking routine for health, exercise, and weight management.  I am walking for at least an hour each day.  After all these things, if any time is left, then I compose blog posts. There just isn't time right now for blogging, as much as I would like.

Further, I have run out of ideas to write blog posts about.  My home life is fine, my work life is busy, my community life still goes on.  But there is nothing of any consequence to write about.  Rather than fill space, I'll just take a "break for busy."  However, I am always open to ideas to blog about, so if you have any, let me know.

Thank you for your continual readership. If I get internet access where I am going, I will blog again with some photos and stories, perhaps.

Life is short:  enjoy "busy!"

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