Monday, April 11, 2011


Guest blog post by BHD's twin brother, J

Okay, bro, I'm joining in, too, and then we will let you take your blog back tomorrow. (giggle.)

You say "life is short" then give a little quip about what the particular posts means. To me, life is short and you show us how to live. How to really live. Your exuberance is exhausting, man! I don't know how anyone can do all the things that you do and still get 8 hours of sleep each night, take care of your partner, your senior friends, your home, and still appear at a public hearing now and again... board meetings, community events, and so forth and so on.

Embracing life is a wonder, and I wonder each day about it. I wake each morning and ask, "what would my brother do?" ... then add three more things on my "to-do" list! (Smile.) Seriously, you have taught me how to make priorities to engage in things that I might not have done otherwise -- outside of work, of course!

Meanwhile, I have one strong recommendation for you: Chill! Go sit out in your backyard park with your partner, lie on the hammock, and just chill.

You were telling me the other day that you have picked up two more seniors in your cadre to care for. It's not the same as taking care of our beloved aunt, and I know you are trying to fill the hole left after her death. But you need to take care of you. Go ride your Harley, take a walk with your partner, read a book. But not all at once as you are wont to do! Chill!

Meanwhile, I'll embrace your joy and how you love to live, and share it with us.

Loving you from afar, ore e sempre. J.

1 comment:

  1. J, you will be happy to know that after doing electrical, carpentry, and plumbing repairs for four senior pals and then installing a memory garden for our aunt and uncle with the help of my partner, he and I sat down together yesterday afternoon and watched a movie. We cuddled, held hands, and spent meaningful time together. Thanks for the words of encouragement to take some time for us. Definitely was needed, and has given me the strength to have a very productive week at work.

    Thank you for your guest post, for your phone calls and emails, but mostly -- always -- thank you for the love that you share. I am so blessed to have a twin brother who is such a wonderful man, and my best friend, to boot!

    Ore e sempre!


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