Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dress of the Day

Being the self-assured, confident, "leatherdude" that I am, I thought I'd show my loyal blog readers what my "dress of the day" was on Tuesday. Here I am, in my long-sleeved leather shirt, biker vest, side-laced leather jeans, and a pair of Wesco boots. Okay, for this photo, I'm wearing a Muir Cap and shades, but didn't have the cap or sunglasses on as I went about my day.

The day? Began early at the usual 4am time by getting up to bake not one but two birthday cakes for two senior pals. While the cakes were baking, I prepared lunch for my partner and saw him off to work. I began my work day by answering email for about an hour. When the cakes were done, cooled, and iced, I drove over to my pals' homes at 7am. (No, I wasn't on my Harley -- it was raining!) These pals are early risers, so I appeared at each of their doors, singing a song and giving each one her cake. Warm smiles and hugs started my day off right!

I returned home and got to work. I work from home most days. I left to go to lunch with a colleague and discuss some pressing issues. Again, I drove my truck because it was still raining. But there I was, in full leather. (Ball cap, though, not a Muir. I did take a step back from the "full leatherman" depiction).

I stopped at the grocery store on my way home to get some things that we needed at home, plus a few items for a neighbor. I dropped off the neighbor's groceries and she invited me in for some cookies (she called it "coffee" but she knows that I don't drink the stuff, so I restrained myself, ate one cookie, and had some water.) Then I went back home because my work day was not over by a long-shot!

I worked and worked some more. Many telephone calls and emails and writing and reviewing and such. Keeps me hopping.

My partner came home, and I prepared our dinner, as usual. I always prepare a home-cooked meal. This time it was home-made ravioli, salad, and a sliver of cake. Milk for me, juice for my partner. (We don't drink wine or alcohol.)

After dinner, I attended a meeting at a county office building. No change in clothing (or even boots for that matter; these Wescos are comfy.) Ball cap again.

Came home, chatted with my partner about the shenanigans that went on at the meeting. I am sooooo glad I'm not chairing those sessions any more. It's nice to be the "emeritus" past President and not have to negotiate the results. My mentee who was elected last year to my former position did splendidly, and has a lot more patience than I do.

Off to bed by 9, as usual. That's when I finally pulled off the boots, carefully hung up the leather, and crawled into bed to snuggle with my hunk, and slept soundly.

I went into all of these details to describe that I really do wear leather regularly, in public, and not only when I ride my Harley. My Harley can be used as a side-story for why I have the gear, but the leather-wearing for me is commonplace, comfortable, and appropriate for the coolish, wet weather we have been having lately.

If you wondered -- nope, nobody said a thing about the leather. Not at my senior pals' homes, not at lunch, not at the grocery store, not at the neighbor's, not at the meeting. There were people in all these places who do not know me, yet none said a thing. If you think someone might make a snide remark, think again. It really doesn't happen and the concern is more in your mind than anywhere else.

Life is short: get over your hang-ups about wearing leather in public and get a return on your investment! Wear it!

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