Sunday, May 15, 2011

Intensity Time Off

Sorry, but I'm taking at least a week off from blogging. May is just way too intense for me. Partner isn't well, yet wants to continue to do lots and lots of backbreaking gardening chores, his annual rite of Spring. He insists that I help him, and while I like the outcome, I do not like the ... "intensity" ... of his fervor to get these chores done.

Things on the job are really crazy, including necessity to train another new boss, and if you've ever had to do that, you know that it takes time. I'm sure it will go well, but I have to invest the time necessary to bring the boss up to speed yet continue to do all the mountain of work that has to be done keeping people across the country safe, educated, and responsible people empowered to make informed decisions.

Meanwhile, on Saturday, 14 May, 21 volunteers and I ensured that 62 seniors were safer in their homes, by installing grab bars, non-slip mats for the bathtubs, stronger lighting, replacing smoke alarms, and other minor but important fix-up safety things. Several officials from our county stopped by the event to wish us well and thank our sponsor. After running around organizing that event for eight hours, I still had to put in four hours of "plant this NOW!" demands by Partner. Uggghhh....

Back at the ranch, I am taking a week off from blogging for three reasons: 1) my time is really limited and I do not write personal blogs while I am on the clock for work and have no time in my off time to do it; 2) I am running low on ideas again; and 3) Blogger continues to misbehave, and I do not have the patience or time to fool with it. I hope it will return to normal in a week.

Be good, smile, and take care of those you love. Remember -- life is short: show those you love that you love them.

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