Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

The weekend in Pittsburgh went quite well. My partner and I helped his mother around her house, from making some minor home improvements to lots of yard work. The visit was low-key and laid-back, and MIL was thankful and appreciative.

We arrived back in Maryland early enough today, Monday, for me to go help a veteran of World War II with some improvements to his home to make it safer and more comfortable to live in. At age 88, he lives alone. His wife died five years ago, and he loves their old house. But it needed work -- from a ramp to make it easier to get into the front door past some once-difficult steps, to better lighting, grab bars in the bath and kitchen, and a new smoke alarm. He's happy and content.

I learned a lot from my new senior pal. I love "oral history."

So instead of riding in Rolling Thunder yesterday or observing other larger gatherings, parades, or whatnot, my partner and I did a "one-on-one thing" -- helping a senior and recognizing a veteran who fought for the freedom we cherish.

Happy Memorial Day!

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