Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Caring for the One I Love

My beloved partner hasn't been well ... long story, and I don't want to get into much detail, but today perhaps we will find out what's going on as he has exploratory brain surgery to explore what's up. Mood swings, left ear deafness, severe tinnitus -- all indicators of a brain tumor. A CT scan picked up a shadow. Blood tests reveal nothing related to cancer, thank goodness.

An MRI-led biopsy will be performed today. We don't expect to get the results until he sees his doctor later this week. Meanwhile, we're hoping and praying that a resolution can be found for this severe health crisis.

I'll post again when we know what's up. Meanwhile, your kind thoughts and prayers will be appreciated.

As I often say: life is short; show those you love that you love them. Each day with the one you love is a precious gift.

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