Sunday, July 31, 2011


My twin brother arrived last night from Europe. It's great to have him home, and I look forward to spending a whole month with him as he works through his official retirement, having his wife join us in one week, and visiting family.

It is very hard to describe how a guy feels to have his soulmate since birth be back home, and having significant time to share together. Just having him around to speak with (in person) means the world to me. He's smart, funny, and graceful. He keeps me thinking, and always reminds me how fortunate we are to be so close, as only twins can be.

Granted, I'm a lucky guy because my partner is my soulmate, too. I love him with every ounce of my essence. Through thick and thin, we are on a journey that is special because we make it that way -- because we always do what's best for the other, because we love each other deeply.

My brother and my partner are two different men, but together they keep me grounded. They know "the real me" and love me anyway :-) I am glad that they truly like each other, and enjoy the other's company. They talk about things in which they share mutual interests (like sports and world finance) and I appreciate that they have their own special bond.

Some people have asked me, "what's it like to have a straight twin?" Or, conversely, "what's it like for him to have a gay twin?" You know, as adults, we don't identify the differences of sexual orientation. I don't fault him for being straight. I've long gotten over that. (touché!)

I will cherish the time we will share together through August. I will do everything I can to make my brother (and his wife) comfortable and happy during their visit. I am a very happy, content man -- because my brother is with me physically, as well as in heart.

By the way, some people have asked me what he is saying when he signs his blog comments "ore e sempre." That's simple. That's Italian for "now and always." Yes, like how we love each other: now and always.

Life is short: show those you love them, each and every day.

1 comment:

  1. Now that I am awake, trying to recover from jet lag... let me say that I am very happy to be here with you and your partner. I look forward to a productive and fun visit.

    Love you lots, ore e sempre,



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