Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day

Wishing my fellow residents of the U.S. a Happy Independence Day!

This morning, I will observe two friends be sworn in as our country's newest citizens. I helped coach them through the arduous citizenship process. They earned this special moment, and I am thrilled for their accomplishment! Once again, we'll be at a ceremony at the birthplace of the U.S. National Anthem, Ft. McHenry, near Baltimore, Maryland.

After that, I'll head back home and feed my partner lunch. Then I'll drop in at my brother's home as I always do on July 4 to have some Maryland steamed crabs. Um-um! I won't stay long, though, because my partner will not go with me, and I don't want to be away from him too long. I'll bring him back some crabs, which he likes as much as I do.

In the evening, we'll relax in our cool, comfortable basement, and watch fireworks and concerts on television. Yeah ... TV. My partner doesn't want to go out, and I can't stand the hassles. It's no fun any more with all the security garbage in place that wasn't there when I was a kid. Plus, we can see it better on TV than in person.

Happy 235th birthday, America!

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