Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cowboy Boots with a Suit

I see fairly frequent internet searches that direct visitors to this blog and my website asking, "can you wear cowboy boots with a suit?" I have blogged about this before.

The answer is, of course you "can" -- as in, yes it is possible -- but the real question is, do you want to? So many men worry about what other people think about what they wear on their feet. Men who are mature, confident, and enjoy boots wear them with suits regularly. While I rarely wear a suit, cowboy boots are my choice of footwear when I have to dress up.

My twin brother was born in a suit. Well, almost. But he has always enjoyed dressing up and his profession required that he wear a suit almost every day. Thankfully (from my perspective), he got the suit genes and I got the jeans genes. I am much more comfortable in blue jeans than a suit. In my profession, I do not have to dress up, and appreciate that. I think I'd die if I had to wear a suit every day.

But I digress... I had the pleasure of attending a formal reception in honor of my brother as he was retiring. He knew that he could get me to wear a suit, but the footwear always would be boots -- I wore boots with a tux when I was Best Man for his wedding, and have worn boots at other formal occasions over the years, including receptions at the White House and various foreign embassies in Washington, D.C.

He and his wife are staying with me this month. Their home is in Europe, but they are here for him to go through the shenanigans of his retirement, and then spend significant time visiting family and friends in the area where we grew up (where I live.)

My brother bought me a pair of very nice black Lucchese Classic goatskin cowboy boots as a gift to thank me for hosting him, as well as for an early birthday present. He didn't have to do that, but the boots are very much appreciated. They are comfortable, very good-looking, solid boots. I wore them at his retirement reception, and met and spoke with very high-ranking officials who came to present my brother an award and to wish him well.

There were hundreds of people there, and all the men wore suits. I am happy to say that I was not the only man in boots -- there was another senior statesman in boots, too (that looked like my new boots -- classy black dress cowboy boots).

No one said anything about what I had on my feet. No one. Honestly, nobody cares. All the fashion advisers who have tantrums about men wearing boots with a suit or formal wear should review their narrow thinking, because good-looking boots can look good on a confident man in a suit.

'nuf said. Bro', thanks for the boots; they're great.

Larger and more photos of these boots are here (link).

Life is short: wear boots!


  1. Looking good BHD.


  2. I thought you would like those boots -- far better than those 'boot-ettes' that I tried to get you to wear a few years ago. Those boots look great on you, and now that I am retired, I just might get myself a pair!

    Ore e sempre,



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