Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happy Birthday to My Best Friend!

Today is the birthday of my very best friend in the whole wide world: my twin brother. Yep, he turns another year older four minutes after I do! (LOL!)

He is wise, wonderful, athletically talented, smart, funny, and a warm & caring man. He is the best husband his wife could ever have; the best uncle and Great uncle the kiddos could ever have; and is the bestest twin that a brother could ever have!

I could pour out my heart with accolades, but I would probably suffer direct repercussions because he is staying with my partner and me this month. I fear a bonk on the noggin, or worse (giggle.)

Let me suffice to say that I am thrilled to have my twin as my best friend, my partner as my best half, and a family who loves us, cares for us, and helps us be the best men we can be. (Thanks, Mom and Dad! You led and taught us well!)

Happy birthday, bro'! I look forward to spending the day with you, and the crabfeast for dinner tonight!


  1. Happy birthday to you both. I hope you have an excellent day!


  2. Listen up: you lead through your commitment of service and sharing of love in so many ways. I am deeply honored to be your friend through life, but more honored to be your brother. Thank you for the hospitality that you and your partner have graciously provided as my wife and I visit this month. I can't imagine having a better birthday than having it to share with you!

    Ore e sempre,



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